Silvestru Sever Dragomir. The Quadratic Quantum $f$-Divergence of Convex Functions and Matrices. 1--19.
Masashi Toyoda, Toshikazu Watanabe. Fixed point theorems for asymptotic mappings of a generalized contractive type in complete metric spaces. 21--28.
Hideo Kojima. Rational unicuspidal curves on $\mathbb Q$-homology projective planes whose complements have logarithmic Kodaira dimension $-\infty$. 29--43.
Masakatsu Hayashi, Taro Hayashi. Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces in the direct product of $\mathbb P^{1}$ and inertia groups. 45--51.
Takeshi Miura, Norio Niwa. Surjective isometries on a Banach space of analytic functions on the open unit disc. 53--67.