Shuhei Wada, Takeaki Yamazaki. Equivalence relations among some inequalities on operator means. 1--15.
Masatoshi Fujii, Akemi Matsumoto, Masaru Tominaga. Simultaneous extensions of Diaz-Metcalf and Buzano inequalities. 17--27.
Hiroshi Endo, Ryotaro Tanaka. Generalized centers and characterizations of inner product spaces. 29--40.
Hiroyasu Mizuguchi. The constants related to isosceles orthogonality in normed spaces and its dual. 41--58.
Yuki Seo. Fiedler-Ando theorem for Ando-Li-Mathias mean of positive operators. 59--65.
Wataru Takahashi. The split common fixed point problem with families of mappings and strong convergence theorems by hybrid methods in Banach spaces. 67--88.
Toshiharu Kawasaki. On convergence of orbits to a fixed point for widely more generalized hybrid mappings. 89--97.
Keiichi Watanabe. A confirmation by hand calculation that the Möbius ball is a gyrovector space. 99--115.
Masatoshi Fujii, Ritsuo Nakamoto. A refinement of the grand Furuta inequality. 117--123.
Ken-Ichi Mitani, Noriyuki Tabiraki, Tomoyoshi Ohwada. Note On Dunkl-Williams inequality with $n$ elements. 125--133.
Eiichi Nakai. Pointwise multipliers on Musielak-Orlicz spaces. 135--146.
Yoshiaki Okazaki. Topological linear subspace of $L_0(\Omega, \mu)$ for the infinite measure $\mu$. 147--154.
Peng-Ruei Huang, Hiroshi Nakazato. The boundary of the Q-numerical range of some Toeplitz nilpotent matrix. 155--165.
Koji Aoyama. Viscosity approximation method for quasinonexpansive mappings with contraction-like mappings. 167--180.