Byung Keun Sohn. Bessel potential spaces in Beurling's distributions. 73--84.
Tetsu Toyoda. Continuity of a certain invariant of a measure on a CAT(0) space. 85--97.
Ayhan Esi. Strongly generalized difference $[V^\lambda,\Delta^m,p]-summable sequence spaces defined by a sequence of moduli. 99--108.
Tadasuke Yasumura, Hiro-o Tokunaga. Non-Galois Triple Covering of $\mathbb{P}^2$ branched along quintic curves and their cubic equations. 109--126.
Takahiko Nakazi, Michio Seto. Common invariant subspaces of two doubly commuting operators on $\ell^2 \otimes \mathbb{C}^2$. 127--137.
Yasuhide Miura. A note on the Radon-Nikodym type theorem for operators on self-dual cones. 139--143.
Kei Ji Izuchi, Masatoshi Naito. Equivalence classes of mixed invariant subspaces over the bidisk. 145--154.